Officer Charles Manzel

Officer Charles Manzel

End of Watch: 

May 9, 1921

Age: 45
Ogden Police Department
Homicide: Handgun

Officer Charles Manzel was shot to death during his first shift after returning to the police department from a three-year separation to work in the war industry. 

While investigating the burglary of a business, Officer Manzel encountered two suspects. He was escorting them to their lodging when he was shot in the back of the head with a .32-calibre pistol. A suspect was arrested, tried, but acquitted of the murder charge. He served three years for the burglary and was deported. Ironically, Officer Manzel’s return to the police department was as a replacement for an officer arrested and sent to prison for burglarizing the businesses on his beat. He was survived by his wife and three children and is buried in Ogden City Cemetery. 

The bronze memorial name plaque of Officer Charles Manzel is sponsored by the Ogden City Corporation.

Fallen Officers