Trooper William J. Antoniewicz

Trooper William J. Antoniewicz

End of Watch: 

December 8, 1974

Age: 27
Utah Highway Patrol
Homicide: Handgun

Trooper William J. Antoniewicz was shot and killed during a traffic stop in Echo Canyon.

At approximately 10 p.m., Trooper Antoniewicz stopped a speeding vehicle eastbound on Interstate 80, nine miles east of Echo Junction. The driver shot Trooper Antoniewicz twice with a .38-calibre revolver, kicked him in the head, and then fled the scene. Trooper Antoniewicz’s body was discovered by a passing trucker. After an investigation lasting nearly two years, a suspect was charged with the murder. The trial ended in a hung jury. Rather than face a second trial, the suspect pleaded guilty to second-degree murder. After serving 12 years, he was paroled in 1989. Trooper Antoniewicz was single and had been a member of the UHP for six months. He is buried in Richmond City Cemetery. 

The bronze memorial name plaque of Trooper William J. Antoniewicz is sponsored by the Utah Highway Patrol Association.

Fallen Officers